Vatican Moves on Temple Mount 2014

Within two months of the end of Camp David the Palestinian Authority birthed the second intifada – a terrorist war against Israel, but giving Israel a continual bloody nose would not yield the result desired. Israel defeated the second intifada moving the Palestinians back to square one. Present Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has a different tactic in mind: to get the UN to step in and impose a solution on Israel. KerryNetanyahuIsrael Then US Secretary of State John Kerry restarted negotiations on July 29, 2013. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators met in Washington to restart formal negotiations after a more than three year void. A nine month deadline was set which ends on April 31st 2014.

How are the talks going?  What is being worked out behind the scenes?  No one is talking, at least not to the press.  US Secretary of State John Kerry made clear at the outset of the talks he labored so intensively to restart that he would be the only one authorized to speak on their progress. “The negotiations”, he said, “would only succeed if held far from the bright camera lights.” Only if the negotiators were not forced to play to their own domestic audience after each meeting did the talks have any chance of succeeding.  Therefore, he said, he would be the only one discussing progress. But he hasn’t really said much beyond platitudes about the need for peace and the courage both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas showed in deciding to reengage.

Recently the Israeli state has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalem’s holiest site.  Over the course of the last decade, the Israel Education and the Culture Ministries have transferred substantial amounts of funding to a non-government organization known as The Temple Institute.  Should this be an indication the Palestinian Authority will need to make certain major concessions to get what it wants?  Perhaps the trump card Abbas will need to play is to gain access to the Temple Mount for Jews, a partition to allow Israel to build a Temple on the Temple Mount, until the Palestinian Authority plays this card Israel may move no further.

Add to the mix the present Israel-Vatican negotiations over the Holy Basin and this is the move that the whole world is waiting for, peace between the three great Abrahamic faiths, sealed by equal access to the Holy Basin and the most holy site of all, the Temple Mount. The term “Holy Basin” refers to the area of the Temple Mount, the Mount of Olives, Mount Zion and a variety of Christian holy sites which the administration of former U.S. President Bill Clinton recommended be administered under a “special regime.”  Pope Francis, celebrating his first Christmas as the Roman Catholic leader,  prayed for a “favorable outcome” to the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians, and called for dialogue to end the conflicts. Though John Kerry is not talking we can observe the parties as they jockey for position. And recognizing Bible Prophecy, knowing that we are on the verge of the Mark of the Beast One World Money System, we can also anticipate the Temple Mount play about to begin.

For years we have exposed the fallacy of the counter-reformation futurist eschatology of the seventieth week of Daniel as a completely unbiblical interpretation.  JesLeftBehindMost of the Evangelical and nominal Christian world has totally bought into this view through Seminary/Ministry indoctrination and Corporate Christian Media exposure, and not because of sound biblical interpretation.  Because they see the world stage shaping to fulfill what they have been led to believe is sound interpretation, a “Left Behind” type scenario, this false eschatology is reinforced in the mind of not only the adherents but those who have been merely exposed to the specific media.

Is it possible that false prophecy can be fulfilled?  The rapture theories have always been in dispute: pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib disputes have risen up in exclusively evangelical circles of recent history, so that when “true believers” don’t suddenly disappear this element will easily go by the wayside when all see the Jewish Temple begin to be rebuilt. Will this be a part of the great delusion that will come upon the whole earth? It seems that this great prophetic delusion has already overcome practically the entire Evangelical and Christian World!

Let me quote the Jewish Israeli writer, Joel Bainerman from his article:

The Vatican Agenda: How Does The Vatican View The Legitimacy of Israel’s Claims To Jerusalem?

“The institution of “The Vatican” is not understood by Israelis and Jews. The conventional wisdom you get from the spokespersons in Israeli government ministries and the conventional Israeli media is “both sides have great intentions to do good” and that’s about it. When it comes to Israel’s bi-lateral affairs, nothing much gets investigated by the Israeli media. Thus a secret deal could be done between the Vatican and the State of Israel and nobody in Israel would ever find out about it. In fact, that is exactly what happened.”

What Does The Vatican Want?

It can’t be that the Vatican is only interested in “access to their Holy Sites” in Jerusalem. They already have that as well as legal jurisdiction under Israeli law for their institutions and assets in Jerusalem… It is something else, which the Vatican wants… to have certain versions of events be played out for them to stand in front of mankind and proclaim: our Messiah has returned.” Of course, to the Jews, this Messiah will be as false as the first one was supposed to be. Don’t matter. This is the goal of the Vatican and this is what all Israelis need to worry about.

The Vatican/Roman Catholic’s version of events is this:

They know this isn’t the end of the story that the Jewish G-d had in mind, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try and engineer their own ending to the story. So what if it is fraudulent. Doesn’t matter, that is their game plan and that is what matters and that is what Israeli Jews need to be better informed about. It is important for everyone to know what The Vatican has up its sleeve because it directly relates to our existence and our future destiny as an independent nation. This, a very powerful force is scheming to get control of the Old City of Jerusalem so you better know why and how the Vatican intends to do this.

For them to convince the world that the Messiah they put on the world’s stage is going to be accepted as genuine, they need to perform this play in the Old City. The story of this production is that this “Messiah” will merge the three monotheistic religions, usher in peace and harmony in the world, and solve the Middle East conflict. The location for this “production” will be in none other than the Old City of Jerusalem.

Evangelicals today are waiting with bated breath for the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt and the animal sacrifice to be resumed.  They have no problem with this wrong sacrifice for sin taking place, but reserve the title, Abomination of Desolation for the “Left Behind” Anti Christ character moving into the Temple and proclaiming himself to be God.  Something similar to this may or may not happen.

EUsigningEntertain if you will the idea that there are powerful forces at work in this world with the motivation to take advantage of this very compelling and popular, but false view of prophecy, a juxtaposed seventieth week of Daniel.  At the time for the building of a Third Temple a figure will arise who fits the bill of the Anti-Christ of the popular pseudo prophecy.  This Anti-Christ character will follow the popular view close enough to be accepted by the adherents of this “Futurist/Left Behind view” to be misidentified as the “true Anti-Christ” while at the same time he will through popular media manipulation be accepted by the world as a Peacemaker when he makes a mid-east peace deal which includes the building of a New Jewish Temple.

To follow the script, three to four years into this Treaty the deal will begin to unravel and have to be abandoned because a conflict may arise out of opposition to the Third Temple. The deal will be broken!  Islam will not have a Third Temple so any deal with their leadership to allow it is doomed from the start.  The Vatican cannot allow it to be completed because any sacrifice other than their bloodless sacrifice of trans-substantiation is unacceptable.  Only Orthodox Jewry desire the Third Temple as true believers.  Evangelical adherents are true believers with a different motivation, which is to bring about events that will precipitate the return of Christ, however they are unwitting puppets of the counter-reformation eschatology that they hold so dear, false prophecy.

These events will most likely be accompanied by a major multilateral military conflict or threat in the mid-east and the world will cry for peace as usual.  Then will step onto the scene the True Anti-Christ bringing peace to the conflict.  Because he fulfills the false prophecy and vanquishes the first treaty breaking pseudo Anti-Christ he will be accepted as the fulfillment of the popular prophecies of the return of Christ proclaiming that he is The Vicar Of Christ, His Replacement on Earth and the true meaning and fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. He may propose the building of a Synagogue for the Jews and a Catholic Cathedral to represent Christianity to accompany Islam’s Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount to unite the Three Great Abrahamic Religions of the world as one, thus bringing peace to the region and the entire world.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Mat 24:24)

The fulfillment of this false prophecy will delude the entire world and even the Elect, if it were possible.  True Bible Believers will suddenly be the majority dissenters and will be demonized for all the ills that have plagued the world and precipitated the present crisis, eventually Social Justice will require that they be put to death for the good of the whole. This has happened before, it was called The Inquisition, and The Bible tells us that it will happen again.  Past Inquisitions have lasted extended periods of time, so the final Mark of the Beast Inquisition may even go on for decades.  How comforting the thought of relegating tribulation to a mere seven or three and a half year period which then may even be escaped by a “pre-tribulation rapture” based entirely upon a false seven year tribulation period prophecy.  However it may take this long for the Final Inquisitors to just get warmed up while the elect to learn how to live thru it if possible.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:15-17)

The Bible tells us about the mark of the beast which will be necessary so “that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark.”  70wksChartTReceiving this mark will be the test of whether you are or are not a part of the New World Social-Economic Order. True Bible Believers will need to discern exactly who or what is this beast and what is or does this mark represent. For that we must turn to The Bible and true prophecy.  If you are a True Bible Believer you will not just dismiss the things that I am exposing here without due investigation. If Daniel’s seventieth week is truly past then every prophecy that is based on this seven year period being future is tenuous at best.  I challenge all to find that gap between the sixty-ninth and seventieth week for themselves – it is not there. This revelation changes everything prophetic. Be not deceived.

The Rapture Will Be Canceled

Well not really canceled, perhaps we’ll just have to postpone it a couple of times before it’s called off altogether!  The starting point for our little examination is a present day building of a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, and unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you know that millions of dollars worth of preparation have already been made towards this end. When it begins you may want to lay down all of your presupposition, because I’m sure of one thing, that there will be plenty of surprises for all concerned.

However this starting point will need something bigger than money, it will need a treaty of some sort, because Jerusalem with the Old City has been declared an “International City” and that means it belongs to the Nations.  Jesus said, “…and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” (Luke 21:24) And that word ‘Gentiles’ is the same word that may be translated ‘Nations’ from the original Greek, so he could have said, “until the times of the Nations be fulfilled.”  I believe this is a reference to the same event described at the end of Daniel Chapter Two where the Mystery Babylon Image is obliterated at His Appearing.

The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple and re-institution of the Priest Temple Sacrifice System have been foretold numerous times through the Old Testament.  But, every instance of this prophecy has been followed by its fulfillment with the Rebuilt Temple after the Babylonian Captivity and the seventy years Desolation.  Does this mean there wont be another attempt to build the Jewish Temple and restore the Priest Temple Sacrifice System before the Messiah returns? It is very likely that there will be an attempt to build a Third Jewish Temple, but it may or may not be completed, because the Bible does not have one prophecy of the rebuilding of this Temple that was given after the actual Second Temple was completed as chronicled at Ezra chapter six.  This fact and the omission of specific language detailing a ‘Third’ Temple may lead us to safely conclude that such prophecies have been completely fulfilled and any attempt to build another Temple may or may not reach fruition.

When an agreement or treaty does arise which includes the building of a Temple, for many in the Christian and Evangelical World this will be the starting shot for what they believe to be a Seven Year Tribulation Period which is based upon a non-literal interpretation of the Daniels Seventy Weeks prophecy.  The text simply does not support this supposition, because it is based solely upon conjecture, taken literally the events of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks were allotted a four hundred and ninety year time period within which to be fulfilled and history shows that it has been completely fulfilled.

Jewish-Temple-Rebuilding-Nevertheless it is more than likely that a Third Temple will commence to be built to the end of restoring the Priest Temple Sacrifice System.  And when this happens all of the Rapture enthusiasts will become very excited, but their enthusiasm will be quickly tempered when they do not begin to fly away.  All of the Pre-Tribulation Rapturists will suddenly join the Mid-Tribulation Rapture camp and hunker down for another three and a half years.

The Politician who is assigned to bring this Treaty or Agreement will be identified by the adherents of the Left Behind/Seven Year Tribulation scheme of Eschatology as the Anti-Christ character commensurate with those fictional books.  They will not be disappointed in the fact that the treaty will be broken and it is unlikely that the Temple Sacrifice System will even be instituted. Whether the Sacrifice actually begins or not, just the end of the agreement will be enough to qualify as “putting an end to the sacrifice” as required by the script.

The script calls for this to happen in the middle of the Pseudo Seventieth Week and will be followed as close as possible so that when the first three and a half years pass the Rapture adherents will once again be ready to float into the air to meet Jesus and the dead in Christ! But they will be disappointed once again requiring a last grasp to the Post-Tribulation Rapture position. Of course this last three and a half years will pass in desperate anticipation by those who have now been disappointed twice. Surely this final wait will be absolutely secure in its expectation because in the minds of those indoctrinated in the Left Behind-Seven Year Tribulation Deception there is no other position to move to.

By the end of this Counterfeit Seventieth Week enough of the attributes of the Fictional Series will be accomplished to satisfy its true believers. The Puppet False Anti-Christ who makes and or breaks the treaty will be deposed or worse. This will also be the final blow to the Rapture and the death of hope for a resurrection event that precedes the grave. The New World Social-Economic Order with its main features: Social Justice, Charity in Truth, Financial and Religious Equality (Social-Commu-Facism) will be introduced to the world by a team of New World Leaders.

NewWorldPopeThese leaders, with the True Anti-Christ who will assuage their disappointment by proclaiming, ‘I Am the Vicar of Christ, the true fulfillment of the prophecy and now begins a Millennial Reign, an Evolution to a New World Social-Economic Order of Peace.’ A Jubilee will be proclaimed, National Debts will be forgiven to kick off the New Fair and Equal Monetary System. The Three Great Mono-Theistic Religions will be united in peace. It will be like heaven on earth! The requirement of forced peace, like Pax Romana will tell the tale, as the Messiah warned, “the violent take it by force.”  No one will ever be forced into the true Kingdom of God, this would violate the very principle of the Gospel of the Kingdom which requires voluntary repentance.  This is why Social-Commu-Facism is an abomination.

All of the Ecumenical Evangelical Religious leaders will affirm to their congregations, “that there has always been a debate about the Rapture,” pre-mid-post, so that we should not be disappointed because what is sure is the gospel that we have learned for the last hundred years. “Don’t you know, we get to go to heaven when we die?” And all the people will exclaim, “Oh Yea! We get to go to heaven when we die!” However this too is a subtle deception because Jesus never said, “Repent for you get to go to heaven when you die.” Rather He did warn of bad preachers who would “shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Mat 23:13

His Gospel was different, He said, …Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Mat 4:17) and the Bible clearly teaches that we go to the resurrection when we die only if we are already in His Kingdom for He also proclaimed , …he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Mat 24:13) Nowhere does the Bible teach that the Resurrection is preceded by a seven year tribulation period or follows Daniels seventieth week.  When you see the Temple begin to be rebuilt it will actually initiate a seven year countdown to the overt reign of the True Anti-Christ and the beginning of the New World Social-Economic Order with its companion Mark of the Beast Monetary System.  Please do not be so quick to dismiss this almost unbelievable but very carefully crafted great delusion exposed here.

ctblogoHow are we respond to these things?  We should continue to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit, our Creator calls His Elect to obey to His commandments, allow His Holy Spirit to bring forth the fruit of repentance in your life, “the good works which God has before ordained that we might walk in them.” If you cannot obey Him now, how do you think He will lead you when the time is critical? Learn to trust and obey Him now and you will be able to hear and obey Him through this Global Great Depression, coming world conflicts and Mark of the Beast Inquisition.  Cross the Border into His Kingdom, obey the King and live forever, nothing is more important!

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. (Mat 23:13)

This article is a adapted from my book: The Rapture Will Be Canceled.

38 thoughts on “Vatican Moves on Temple Mount 2014”

  1. Nicklas, you are right, there will be no Temple built, they are going to use the Dome of the Rock. The 3rd Temple will be built by Yahweh Himself during the Millennium.


  2. Revelation chapter 10 John was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told by the mighty angel, go and measure the Temple of God and the altar,(GK= naos, the Holy of Holies where the ark of the covenant resides) and count the worshipers there”, John’s act of measuring signifies God’s ownership as he surveys the Temple area- but once the Temple proper.The temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt in the end times! See MT 24:15, Dan 9:27, 11:31 Here the mighty angel from Rev 10 is insructing John to litterally measure the dimensions of the rebuilt Temple Revelation 10 is a striking contrast of the rebuilt Temple. One measures when they’re ready to build something.


    1. MT 24:15 Is not the Temple, it’s the Temple mount. Yahweh did away with Temple worship and what was called Judaism.
      Dan 9:27 Is speaking about the Messiah’s death and the destruction of the Temple back then, which it was in 70 A.D.
      Dan 11:31 Once again that was back then, not future.
      The Messiah was the final sacrifice to end all sacrifices. Scriptures do state that Yahweh will build the Temple during the Millennium.

      Rev. 11:1-3
      11 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the Messenger stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of G/d, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
      [ They can’t be worshiping Yahweh. If the Outer Court is given to the Gentiles then this temple spoken of is not a Jewish Temple.}
      I believe the Dome of the Rock will be used by the Muslims, Jews and Christians to show unity, since this is where the Pope will set his throne and will be worshiped. Since everyone of them are pagan anyway and are not of Yahweh’s truth.

      2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
      { The Outer Court of Yahweh’s Temple was for the people to worship at. As you can see it is given unto the Gentiles, so this is not the temple you think it is.}

      The Great Court surrounded the whole Temple (2 Chr. 4:9). It was here that people assembled to worship. (Jeremiah 19:14; 26:2).

      3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
      [ The Two Witnesses are the ones who bring back Yahweh’s truth.]


  3. Oh lets see, where shall I start… Rapture of the Church. First I will quote a few sentences of your own words. “all of pre-trib Rapture enthusiasm will quickly be tempered when they do not begin to fly away. All pre trib rapture is will suddenly join the mid trib rapture camp”……… The truth is, Jesus promised to keep us from the ‘seven year tribulaion


    1. All people alive at the time of the Tribulation Period will go through it. Yahweh Messiah comes back at the end of it, when all the armies of every nation goes against Jerusalem. Show me one verse where scriptures state that people will kept from the Trib. There are none. Yahweh said that people that believe in Him will be saved from HIS WRATH, that is poured out when He returns.


  4. This article is complete heresy!! You are trying the lead people away from the truth! The Holy BIble is complete truth and you have distorted the truth!!


    1. I’m sorry I have distorted your truth. Before you condemn me to hell as a heretic perhaps you could correct me according to the word of God. In other words – Show me where I’m wrong.


      1. Tribulation: Those days shall be shortened for the elects sake.Revelations 24: 21-22
        It is during the tribulation that the saved will be refusing the mark of the beast.
        Rapture: My understanding is that the Rapture will occur when Jesus returns. The dead first and then the living.


        1. if those days had not been shortened no flesh (Jacob) would have been saved, but for the Elect’s sake (those obedient Hebrew’s who would spread the gospel) those days of persecution were shortened to prevent the annihilation of even the elect. Many try to apply this verse to the days preceding the return of Messiah but this is not logical because the elect will all be resurrected at that time so those days will not need to be shortened for their sake. Because first century Christians were a sect of the Jews it was necessary for the Elect to survive the desolation of the Hebrew Nation at the end of that century.


    2. Heather, did you know the word Bible is a pagan Greek deity? Did you know Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Amen are all pagan sun deity names? You see Constantine who became the first Pope over the Holy Roman Empire distorted the truth and made it a lie, and made salvation void. People do not realize that fact though. Constantine took Yahweh’s name out of the scriptures, and the Son inherited the Father’s name, Yahweh because he became the Father in the Flesh and why Yahweh is the true Messiah’s name.


  5. Great article.. I too believe the Papacy is the antichrist. And I’ve never been satisfied with the 7 year tribulation interpretation from Daniel’s 70th week. I do believe we are about to enter a time of tribulation as believers.. I’m just not sure of the length of time. I take 2 Thessalonians literal so I think there will be a rebuilt temple soon. Pre-trib/Mid-trib rapture views are not biblical in my opinion. I believe the 2nd coming and rapture are the same event. It will be interesting to see this all play out. I’m still wondering what the mark and image of the beast will be? I’ve never really heard a satisfying answer yet to what they are.


    1. Drew: If you take 2 Thess. literally (as I do), consider these things. Verse one ends with us “gathering together unto Him” (Rapture), not Him “coming in the clouds where every eye shall see Him”, the Second coming of Christ, His return to earth with the army in white following.
      Verse 3 is emphatic that the Anti-Christ is NOT revealed until the Great apostasy, the great falling away (we are near the end of the falling away now…136 nations have already signed an agreement for a Palestinian State, voting against God’s Chosen people, God’s Chosen land and God’s Chosen city, Jerusalem. In only a couple of months, mid Sept. the world , represented by the U.N., the U.S., the E.U and all the Arab nations will be forcing Israel to accept a Palestinian State and evict all Jews from East Jerusalem as it becomes the capitol of the new State of Palestine ). The Pope may even announce this in Sept. when he addresses Congress on the 23 and the world from the UN on the 24th. (By the way, there is no such thing as a “Palestinian Nation, never was and never will be and a 6 year old can prove it).
      Verse 7 is very clear also that the Holy Spirit “He who witholdeth” “He who mow letteth” will be taken out of the way. Where does the Holy Spirit reside ? Inside the blood-bought body of Christ, His Bride, the true church. When He is “removed”, so are we. Voila le Rapture. And then, and only them, will the Anti-Christ be revealed. While we are enjoying a 7 year Wedding Feast in Heaven, with Jesus presenting His bride to God the Father, the Anti-Christ wreaks havoc on the earth destroying some 5 billion souls in the process. (Work it out, the Scriptures are there to back this up).
      At the end of the 7 years (and the wedding feast, we return with Christ and watch Him conquer what remains and set up His Kingdom in Jersualem on the Throne of David and we will rule and reign with Him for 1,000 years. What an amazing future we have. PTL. The King is coming !!!!!!!
      Rev. Roy…..<

      1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
      2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
      4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
      5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
      6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
      7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
      8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:


        1. Nicklas, I believe, we believe the same on this 2 Thess. stuff.

          The Roman Empire and like you said the Caesars or Emperors had to cease before the Holy Roman Empire could come to be which revealed the man of transgressions, the Pope. Constantine was the last Emperor of the Roman Empire and the first Pontifex Maximus of the Holy Roman Empire, all he did was switched from Secular over Religious to Religious over Secular government. That’s why the Beast is a Religious Government Beast. The Papacy ruled the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy will rule the One World Government and Religion. He is of the 7 and is the 8th.

          Also the great falling away took place in the days of Peter and Paul, because all the true believers were killed off back then, and they are the ones under the table in the 5th Seal, which represents the Seal we are living in right now, it is the Seal that shows the Papacy’s rule and just waiting for him to get his power back and his move to Jerusalem.

          When the Messiah went back to heaven for good until his return. He told his disciples that Satan was coming and he had nothing in him, and woe to the world for Satan has come down unto you. He kicked Satan out of heaven for good, to this earth and Satan has been here since that time deceiving this world with his lies. His time is short and why you see such a big change going on in this world.


    2. The Pope is the anti-Messiah, and False Prophet. The title alone goes back to Nimrod the first false messiah, which is Pontifex Maximus.

      There will be no rebuilt Temple. The Pope is moving his throne to the Dome of the Rock. Yahweh did away with Temple worship, so there is no need of a Temple. Yahweh will build the Temple during the Millennium.

      The word “RAPTURE” was only used in Jerome’s Latin Vulgate, and Christians still today use that word. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate was the only scriptures to be had for over 1000 years, locked up in the Latin tongue.

      The Image of this Religious Beast is the POPE, The Mark of the Beast is the CROSS and Christianity will become the One World Religion during the Tribulation Period. The Pope is the one who carries the number 666, he makes himself a deity above all deities. That is what the number stands for.

      I will show you in part all three of Image/Mark/Number:

      The reason the Scriptures speaks negatively about the number 666 is that it symbolizes the power of the person who has that number to have power over all the deities, which in the case of the Papacy is their claim to be the Almighty and to have authority over Yahweh and his law.

      The number 666 itself was a symbol of its authority over all the deities, even including the highest of the deities. This is because the number 666 contained the numbers of all the deities that formed the sum and the sum itself was perceived as having power over all the deities.

      Photo of pagan 666 amulet

      This was supposed to provide extra protection including from the sun god since this god’s sum was present on the amulet. The one above has the god of the sun standing on the lion. This indicated the sun’s position in the constellation of Leo during the hot days of August. The back is inscribed “Nachyel,” meaning “intelligence of the sun” and the numbers 1 to 36.

      Drawing of pagan 666 amulet

      The second illustration is also a solar seal, but it honours the star Basilisco, which was the diminutive form of the Greek basileus (king), thus meaning the same as the Latin regulus. Regulus is the only first magnitude star in the constellation of Leo. The sun and the moon are again clearly seen on this amulet and on the reverse side is the same arrangement of numerals with the actual figure 666 given as the total.

      The Mark of the Beast = Remember this is a Religious Beast

      Deuteronomy 21:23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree,
      Acts 5:30 Yahweh of our fathers raised up Immanuel, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
      Acts 10:39 whom they slew and hanged on a tree.
      Acts 13:30 they took him down from the tree,
      1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our transgressions in his own body on the tree,
      Galatians 3:13 Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.
      John 19:31. that the bodies should not remain upon the TREE on the sabbath day,
      First let’s find out the meaning of MARK:
      4. a sign, usually an X or cross, made instead of a signature by someone who does not know how or is unable to write his or her own name.
      Crusade means “War of the cross”.
      1. CROSS a pagan sun symbol.

      The cross is often shown in different shapes and sizes, and in many different styles.

      2. CROSS a symbol for Tammuz, which is Nimrod. It is the same symbol seen on hot crossed buns. It is this symbol of mourning for Tammuz that is practiced among millions of Christians on Ash Wednesday. The sign of the cross, where they use their fingers and marks the sign of the cross on their chest is derived from the worship of Tammuz. It is this same symbol that the priest makes on the forehead with ash of professing Christians on Ash Wednesday.

      3. Constantine and the battle of the Milivian Bridge is where he saw the cross in the sky and was told to, “IN THIS SIGN CONQUER.” The ‘cross’ became his symbol. This was the motto written upon the banners as they rode into battle during the Crusades. The ‘cross’ became his symbol, this is quite ironic too, because it was also the symbol used in ancient Assyria, Chaldee, and Babylon as well. The cross became the symbol of identity for the Roman Lion Beast – they held themselves in exaltation.

      In the book ” Life of Constantine ” by Eusebius, states that Constantine had a cross put on the shields of his soldiers, and his soldiers when they march they should be preceded only by the standard of the CROSS, not by (the Roman) golden eagles.
      4. The Crusaders all had the CROSS on their shields.

      5. Common people were confirmed by the Bishop, receiving from him in holy chrism the cross on their forehead; this was to be the mark, the character imposed.

      6. The cross remains a powerful symbol in most forms of Christianity today including, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Anglicanism, among others, which continue to make the sign of the cross upon themselves.

      A. Some make the sign of the CROSS in front of them with hand.
      B. Some make the sign of the CROSS at baptism.
      C. Some make the sign of the CROSS on their bodies.
      D. Some make the sign of the CROSS on their foreheads.

      7. People wear a CROSS for a symbol of Christianity, to show they are Christians. Now they are putting tattooed crosses on their bodies.

      Christianity is “Sun worship” mixed with Truth.

      Jesus, Christ, Amen, Sacred, Lord, God, Adonai are just some of the sun deity names put into the scriptures and taking Yahweh’s name out. After all Constantine was a sun worshiper.
      The Jewish Encyclopedia says:

      The cross as a Christian symbol or “seal” came into use at least as early as the second century (see “Apost. Const.” iii. 17; Epistle of Barnabas, xi.-xii.; Justin, “Apologia,” i. 55-60; “Dial. cum Tryph.” 85-97); and the marking of a cross upon the forehead and the chest was regarded as a talisman against the powers of demons (Tertullian, “De Corona,” iii.; Cyprian, “Testimonies,” xi. 21-22; Lactantius, “Divinæ Institutiones,” iv. 27, and elsewhere).

      This is very interesting to about some guy named John Leary a so called prophet of the Catholic Church. But this is one of his on the CROSS: “We will know the people that will be with us as they will be marked with a cross on their foreheads. Those without a cross will not be with us.”
      The CROSS is the one indispensable symbol of the Latin Church and its association with Christianity is another proof of the Great Apostasy.

      The CROSS is the one indispensable MARK of the Papal Roman Empire.

      Image Of The Beast – POPE
      Definition of IMAGE:
      5. form; appearance; semblance: We are all created in G/d’s image.
      “Even if the Pope were Satan incarnate, we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom. He who rebels against our Father is condemned to death, for that which we do to him we do to Christ: we honor Christ if we honor the Pope; we dishonor Christ if we dishonor the Pope….(St. Catherine of Siena, SCS, p. 201-202, p. 222, quoted in Apostolic Digest, by Michael Malone, Book 5:

      “The Book of Obedience”, Chapter 1: “There is No Salvation Without Personal Submission to the Pope”).

      Ignatius Loyola himself declared the purpose of the Order was to: “. . . win to God [the Pope of Rome], not only a single nation, a single country, but all nations, all the kingdoms of the world.”
      Think about this; Constantine made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire which became the Holy Roman Empire. People were killed for not coming over to Christianity, Christians were known by the Cross, and they worshiped the Pope. So you have the Image, the Mark and the man who’s number is 666.

      When the Pope gets his full power back, Christianity will become the One World Religion, people will be killed if they do not come over to it just like in the past.

      Holy Roman Empire image of the Roman Empire.

      Papacy is image of the Caesars and Emperors over religious and secular governments and his number is 666 and why people will worship the Beast, because he is over and above all deities.

      Papacy is the image of Christianity and the Cross is it’s symbol and will be the Mark of the Beast.

      The Papacy is a Religious Beast Government and the Pope is the IMAGE of that government.

      As a matter of fact it was Pope Constantine that gave the name Jesus Christ to believe in and he started Christianity. So all the lies come from the Papacy and Nimrod.


  6. Whether or not people believe in pre,mid,post isn’t important. The fact is Jesus is returning for His bride.
    The ones who believe that the rapture will happen before the persecution of the church. Well, the persecution of the church has started years ago.
    When has God’s people escaped persecution?
    It happened at Sodem and Gamorah, Noah, or even in the time of Jesus. How can we be tride and true, if we’re not tested. How can there be a Great Falling Away, if we don’t go through persecution?
    All I can say, is the end is near. I think we’re knocking at the door or are inside the tribulation. We don’t know the day or the hour. But, Jesus said, be watchful. He told us this to watch for.


  7. I figure there is a reason that the Vatican is looking for something to come to earth with their observatory in New Mexico. What is coming will be what the false prophet points to as god.


    1. Yahweh is coming back in spacecraft. Satan was kicked out of heaven with spacecraft to this earth. The “Catching Away” those that believe in Yahweh Messiah will be taken up in the Clouds (spacecraft).

      Ronald Reagan said the world should come together and unite in case we are attacked by aliens from another world. Satan reveals himself first. Then when Yahweh returns, the world will fight Yahweh at His coming.


  8. Very interesting interpretations. However, you blow past all of the horrifically real physical parts of End of Age, namely, sky-fallings, stars raining down, literal profound movements of Heaven and Earth which are much to the detriment of inhabitants.

    I will read some of your other pieces.

    May Blessings be upon you


  9. It is incumbent upon us to rightly divide the Word of truth. The temple built by Herod during Christ’s time on this earth was not prophesied in the Scriptures, but Jesus called it His Father’s House. However, the Scriptures do clearly prophesy that there will be a temple during the reign of the Antichrist, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 and Revelation 11:1-2. I will trust God’s Holy Word above the uninspired word of man any time.


    1. “Herod’s Temple” was actually the rebuilding and expansion of the Standing Second Temple. And more importantly neither of your references prophecy the building of a Temple. At 2 Thess 2:4 Paul describes the man of sin, we can easily understand how the Reformers discerned that this was the Papacy. But the Futurist wants to put this in a yet to be built future Temple because of the phrase, “sitteth in the temple of God.” Something like this may or may not happen, but what is sure is that the scripture says, “know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost” and that we are the body of Christ, a temple made without hands, living stones, and that many have vicariously put the Papacy in the place of God! And your Revelation 11:1-2 reference simply has John measuring the Temple, where is John now and where is the temple. It must be inferred by the mind of the reader that the temple reference requires an unstated rebuilding at some unstated time. If we can infer what we desire by what is unstated in any text then WE become the arbiters of what the Word of God really means. I will agree with your last statement. ” I will trust God’s Holy Word above the uninspired word of man any time.” Thank you


      1. Except that Jesus when speaking about the last days twice references the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet: “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” Matthew 24:15-16 There hasn’t been a temple in Jerusalem since then, and yet there are multiple references in the New Testament to the existence of the temple of God during the last days. God’s Word is clear that the Antichrist will set his image up in the temple and the false prophet will demand everyone to worship him. God commands us to be diligent students of His Word, rightly dividing it for His glory.


      2. However, the temple in Ezekiel was never rebuilt. The measurements are there. how do you explain that?


        1. There is nothing to explain, the temple simply was not rebuilt to specification. Remember Ezekiel was written during the 70 years captivity and before the second temple was built. These are the facts.


        2. I do believe that a Temple will be built after Jesus returns, but there is nothing to prove that a temple will be completed before he returns. It may or may not happen.


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